-  Before / After your stay -

BEFORE : Prepare your home prior to your arrival, or your guests arrival.
Open the property
Make sure all the appliances are in working order
Turn on the heating or air-conditioning, depending on the season
Provide bed linen and towels for the bedrooms and bathrooms
Set up the garden furniture
Stock your refrigerator
Arrange a welcome bouquet

AFTER : A full house clean after your departure, or the departure of your guests

Selection of products for your journey (travel box)
A full house clean of the interior and exterior of your property
Put the garden furniture into storage
Turn off the heating or air-conditioning
Laundry service for the bedrooms and bathrooms
  * water, orange juice, salads, cakes, fruits.

enjoy a relaxed arrival and departure.
You will only be able to think about one thing ...
coming back !
Alquiler VILLALTEA MANAGEMENT España C/ Quilla 8 03590 Altea - Alicante - España   |  Tel / Fax: +34 965 847 005 | Mobile : +34 670 569 255  |
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